of Psychology, 53, 173-203.
Meyer D. E., 1970. On the representation and retrieval of stored semantic
information, Cognitive Psychology, 1, 242-300.
.Miller 0. A., 1956. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some
limits on our capacity for processing information, Psychological Review,
Список литературы
Miller О. А., 1962. Some psychological studies of grammar, American Psy-
chologist, 17,748-762.
Miller 0. A., 1972. English verbs of motion: A case study in semantics and
lexical memory. In: A. W. Melton and E. Martin (eds.). Coding Pro-
cesses in Human Memory, Washington, D. C., V. H. Winston and
Miller 0. A., Heise G. A., Lichten W., 1951. The intelligibility of speech as a
function of the context of the test materials, J. of Experimental Psycho-
logy, 41,329-335.
Miller 0. A., Selfridge J. A., 1950. Verbal context and the recall of meaning-
ful material, American J. of Psychology, 63, 176-187.
Milner В., 1959. The memory defect in bilateral hippocampal lesions, Psy-
chiatric Research Reports, II, 43-58.
Montague W. E., Adams J. A., Kiess H. 0., 1966. Forgetting and natural
language mediation, J. of Experimental Psychology, 72, 829-833.
Moray N., 1959. Attention in dichotic listening: Affective cues and the
influence of instructions. Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, II,
Moray N., Bates A., Barnett Т., 1965. Experiments on the four-eared man,-
J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 38, 196-201.
Morion i., 1970. A functional model for memory. In: D. A. Norman (ed.),
Models of Human Memory, New York, Academic Press.
Morion J., Crowder R. G., Prussin H. A., 1971. Experiments with the stimu-
lus suffix effect, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 91, 169-
Murdoch В. В., Jr., 1961. The retention of individual items, J. of Experimen-
tal Psychology, 62,618-625.
Murdoch В. В., Jr., 1962. The serial position effect of free recall, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 64,482-488.
Murdoch В. В., Jr., Walker К. D., 1969. Modality effects in free recall, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 665-676.
Neisser U., 1964. Visual search, Scientific American, 210, 94-102.
Neisser U., 1967. Cognitive Psychology, New York, Appleton-Century-
Neisser U., Novick R., Lazar R., 1963. Searching for ten targets simulta-
neously, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17, 955-961.
Nelson Т. 0., Metzler }., Reed D. A., 1974. Role of details in the long-term
recognition of pictures and verbal descriptions, J. of Experimental Psy-
chology, 102,184-186.
Nickerson R. S., 1972. Binary-classification reaction time: A review of some
studies of human information-processing capabilities, Psychonomic Mo-
nograph Supplements, 4, 275-318.
Noble C. E., 1961. Measurements of association value (a), rated associations
(a) and scaled meaningfulness (m) for the 2100 CVC combinations of
the English alphabet, Psychological Reports, 8, 487-521.
Norman D. A., 1969. Memory and Attention, New York, John Wiley and"
Osgood C. E., 1952. The nature and measurement of meaning, Psychological
Bulletin, 49,197-237.
Paivio A., 1963. Learning of adjective-noun paired-associates as a function-
of adjective-noun word order and noun abstractness, Canadian J. of
Psychology, 17,370-379.
Paivio A., 1965. Abstractness, imagery and meaningfulness in paired-asso-
ciate learning, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4, 32-38.
Paivio A., 1969. Mental imagery in associative learning and memory, Psy-
chological Review, 76,241-263.
Paivio A., 1971. Imagery and Verbal Processes, New York, Holt, Rinehart
and Winston.
Список литературы
Paivio A., Csapo К., 1969. Concrete-image and verbal memory codes, J. of
Experimental Psychology, 80, 279-285.
.Paivio A., Yiiille 1. С., Rogers Т. В., 1969. Noun imagery and meaningful-
ness in free and serial recall, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, 509-
Penfield W., 1959. The interpretive cortex, Science, 129, 1719-1725.
Peterson L. R., Peterson M. J., 1959. Short-term retention of individual ver-
bal items, J. of .Experimental Psychology, 58, 193-198.
Pollack 1., 1959. Message uncertainty and message reception, J. of the
Acoustical Society of America, 31, 1500-1508.
Posner M. /., 1969. Abstraction and the process of recognition. In: J. T. Spen-
ce and G. H. Bower (eds.), Advances in Learning and Motivation
(Vol. 3), New York, Academic Press.
Posner M. 1.. Boies S. }., Eichelman W. H., Taylor R. L., 1969. Retention of
visual and name codes of single letters, J. of Experimental Psychology,
79 (I, Pt. 2).
Posner M. 1.. Goldsmith R., Welton K. E., IT., 1967. Perceived distance and
the classification of distorted patterns, J. of Experimental Psychology,
73, 28-38.
Posner M. 1., Keele S. W., 1968. On the genesis of abstract ideas, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 77,353-363.
Posner M. 1., Konick A. F., 1966. On the role of interference in short-term
retention, J. of Experimental Psychology, 72, 221-231.
Posner M. 1., Mitchell R. F., 1967. Chronometric analysis of classification,
Psychological Review, 74, 392-409.
Posner M. 1., Rossman E., 1965. Effect of size and location of informational
transforms upon short-term retention, J. of Experimental Psychology,
Postman L., 1972. A pragmatic view of organization theory. In: E. Tulving
and M. Donaldson (eds.). Organization of Memory, New York, Academic
Postman L., Keppel G., Stark K., 1965. Unlearning as a function of the
relationship between successive response classes, J. of Experimental Psy-
. chology,69,lll-118.
Postman L., Phillips L., 1965. Short-term temporal changes in free recall,
Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, 17, 132-138.
-Postman L., Rail L., 1957. Retention as a function of the method of measu-
rement, University of California Publications in Psychology, Berkeley,
(Postman L., Stark K.., 1969. Role of response availability in transfer and in-
terference, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, 168-177.
Postman L., Stark K., Fraser J., 1968. Temporal changes in interference,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 7, 672-694.
.Postman L., Stark K., Henschel D., 1969. Conditions of recovery after un-
learning, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 82 (I, Pt. 2).
Postman L., Underwood B. 1., 1973. Critical issues in interference theory,
Memory and Cognition, 1, 19-40.
-Prytulak L. S., 1971. Natural language mediation, Cognitive Psychology,
2, 1-56.
Pylyshyn Z. W., 1973. What the minds eye tells the minds brain: A critique
of mental imagery, Psychological Bulletin, 80, I-24.
QuilUan M. R., 1969. The teachable language comprehender: A simulation
program and theory of language, Communications of the Association
for Computing Machinery, 12, 459-476.
Reicher G. M., 1969. Perceptual recognition as a function of meaningfulness
of stimulus material, J. of Experimental Psychology, 81, 275-280.
Список литературы
Reitman J. S., 1971. Mechanisms of forgetting in short-term memory. Cog-
nitive Psychology, 2, 185-195.
Reitman ]. S., 1974. Without surreptitious rehearsal, information in short-
term memory decays, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13,
Rips L. L, Shoben E. J., Smith E. E., 1973. Semantic distance and the veri-
fication of semantic relations, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 12,1-20.
Rohwer W. D., ]r., 1966. Verbal and visual elaboration in paired associate
learning. Project Literacy Reports, Cornell University, No. 7, 18-28.
Rosch E., 1973. On the internal structure of perceptual and semantic catego-
ries. In: T. E. Moore (ed.). Cognitive Development and Acquisition of
Language, New York, Academic Press.
Rumelhart D. E., 1971. A multicomponent theory of perception of briefly expo-
sed visual displays, J. of Mathematical Psychology, 91, 326-332.
Rumelhart D. E., Lindsay P. H., Norman D. A., 1972. A process model for
long-term memory. In: E. Tulving and W. Donaldson (eds.), Organiza-
tion of Memory, New York, Academic Press.
Rundus D., 1971. Analysis of rehearsal processes in free recall, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 89,63-77.
Rundus D., Atkinson R. C., 1970. Rehearsal processes in free recall: A pro-
cedure for direct observation, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 9,99-105.
Sac/is /. D. S., 1967. Recognition memory for syntactic and semantic aspects
of connected discourse. Perception and Psychophysics, 2, 437-442.
Salzinger K., Portnoy S., Feldman R. S., 1962. The effect of order of appro-
ximation to the statistical structure of English on the emission of
verbal responses, J. of Experimental Psychology, 64, 52-57.
Schwartz M., 1969. Instructions to use verbal mediators in paired-associate
learning, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, I-5.
Selfridge 0. G., 1959. Pandemonium: A paradigm for learning. In: The
Mechanisation of Thought Processes, London, H. M. Stationery
Shepard R. N., 1966. Learning and recall as organization and search, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 201-204.
Shepard R. N., 1967. Recognition memory for words, sentences and pictures,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 156-163.
Shepard R. N., 1968. Cognitive psychology: A review of the book by U. Neis-
ser, American J. of Psychology, 81, 285-289.
Shepard R. N., Chipman S., 1970. Second-order isomorphism of internal
representations: Shapes of states, Cognitive Psychology, I, I-17.
Shepard R. N., Metzler }., 1971. Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects,
Science, 171,701-703.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
Meyer D. E., 1970. On the representation and retrieval of stored semantic
information, Cognitive Psychology, 1, 242-300.
.Miller 0. A., 1956. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some
limits on our capacity for processing information, Psychological Review,
Список литературы
Miller О. А., 1962. Some psychological studies of grammar, American Psy-
chologist, 17,748-762.
Miller 0. A., 1972. English verbs of motion: A case study in semantics and
lexical memory. In: A. W. Melton and E. Martin (eds.). Coding Pro-
cesses in Human Memory, Washington, D. C., V. H. Winston and
Miller 0. A., Heise G. A., Lichten W., 1951. The intelligibility of speech as a
function of the context of the test materials, J. of Experimental Psycho-
logy, 41,329-335.
Miller 0. A., Selfridge J. A., 1950. Verbal context and the recall of meaning-
ful material, American J. of Psychology, 63, 176-187.
Milner В., 1959. The memory defect in bilateral hippocampal lesions, Psy-
chiatric Research Reports, II, 43-58.
Montague W. E., Adams J. A., Kiess H. 0., 1966. Forgetting and natural
language mediation, J. of Experimental Psychology, 72, 829-833.
Moray N., 1959. Attention in dichotic listening: Affective cues and the
influence of instructions. Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, II,
Moray N., Bates A., Barnett Т., 1965. Experiments on the four-eared man,-
J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 38, 196-201.
Morion i., 1970. A functional model for memory. In: D. A. Norman (ed.),
Models of Human Memory, New York, Academic Press.
Morion J., Crowder R. G., Prussin H. A., 1971. Experiments with the stimu-
lus suffix effect, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 91, 169-
Murdoch В. В., Jr., 1961. The retention of individual items, J. of Experimen-
tal Psychology, 62,618-625.
Murdoch В. В., Jr., 1962. The serial position effect of free recall, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 64,482-488.
Murdoch В. В., Jr., Walker К. D., 1969. Modality effects in free recall, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 665-676.
Neisser U., 1964. Visual search, Scientific American, 210, 94-102.
Neisser U., 1967. Cognitive Psychology, New York, Appleton-Century-
Neisser U., Novick R., Lazar R., 1963. Searching for ten targets simulta-
neously, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17, 955-961.
Nelson Т. 0., Metzler }., Reed D. A., 1974. Role of details in the long-term
recognition of pictures and verbal descriptions, J. of Experimental Psy-
chology, 102,184-186.
Nickerson R. S., 1972. Binary-classification reaction time: A review of some
studies of human information-processing capabilities, Psychonomic Mo-
nograph Supplements, 4, 275-318.
Noble C. E., 1961. Measurements of association value (a), rated associations
(a) and scaled meaningfulness (m) for the 2100 CVC combinations of
the English alphabet, Psychological Reports, 8, 487-521.
Norman D. A., 1969. Memory and Attention, New York, John Wiley and"
Osgood C. E., 1952. The nature and measurement of meaning, Psychological
Bulletin, 49,197-237.
Paivio A., 1963. Learning of adjective-noun paired-associates as a function-
of adjective-noun word order and noun abstractness, Canadian J. of
Psychology, 17,370-379.
Paivio A., 1965. Abstractness, imagery and meaningfulness in paired-asso-
ciate learning, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4, 32-38.
Paivio A., 1969. Mental imagery in associative learning and memory, Psy-
chological Review, 76,241-263.
Paivio A., 1971. Imagery and Verbal Processes, New York, Holt, Rinehart
and Winston.
Список литературы
Paivio A., Csapo К., 1969. Concrete-image and verbal memory codes, J. of
Experimental Psychology, 80, 279-285.
.Paivio A., Yiiille 1. С., Rogers Т. В., 1969. Noun imagery and meaningful-
ness in free and serial recall, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, 509-
Penfield W., 1959. The interpretive cortex, Science, 129, 1719-1725.
Peterson L. R., Peterson M. J., 1959. Short-term retention of individual ver-
bal items, J. of .Experimental Psychology, 58, 193-198.
Pollack 1., 1959. Message uncertainty and message reception, J. of the
Acoustical Society of America, 31, 1500-1508.
Posner M. /., 1969. Abstraction and the process of recognition. In: J. T. Spen-
ce and G. H. Bower (eds.), Advances in Learning and Motivation
(Vol. 3), New York, Academic Press.
Posner M. 1.. Boies S. }., Eichelman W. H., Taylor R. L., 1969. Retention of
visual and name codes of single letters, J. of Experimental Psychology,
79 (I, Pt. 2).
Posner M. 1.. Goldsmith R., Welton K. E., IT., 1967. Perceived distance and
the classification of distorted patterns, J. of Experimental Psychology,
73, 28-38.
Posner M. 1., Keele S. W., 1968. On the genesis of abstract ideas, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 77,353-363.
Posner M. 1., Konick A. F., 1966. On the role of interference in short-term
retention, J. of Experimental Psychology, 72, 221-231.
Posner M. 1., Mitchell R. F., 1967. Chronometric analysis of classification,
Psychological Review, 74, 392-409.
Posner M. 1., Rossman E., 1965. Effect of size and location of informational
transforms upon short-term retention, J. of Experimental Psychology,
Postman L., 1972. A pragmatic view of organization theory. In: E. Tulving
and M. Donaldson (eds.). Organization of Memory, New York, Academic
Postman L., Keppel G., Stark K., 1965. Unlearning as a function of the
relationship between successive response classes, J. of Experimental Psy-
. chology,69,lll-118.
Postman L., Phillips L., 1965. Short-term temporal changes in free recall,
Quarterly J. of Experimental Psychology, 17, 132-138.
-Postman L., Rail L., 1957. Retention as a function of the method of measu-
rement, University of California Publications in Psychology, Berkeley,
(Postman L., Stark K.., 1969. Role of response availability in transfer and in-
terference, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, 168-177.
Postman L., Stark K., Fraser J., 1968. Temporal changes in interference,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 7, 672-694.
.Postman L., Stark K., Henschel D., 1969. Conditions of recovery after un-
learning, J. of Experimental Psychology Monograph, 82 (I, Pt. 2).
Postman L., Underwood B. 1., 1973. Critical issues in interference theory,
Memory and Cognition, 1, 19-40.
-Prytulak L. S., 1971. Natural language mediation, Cognitive Psychology,
2, 1-56.
Pylyshyn Z. W., 1973. What the minds eye tells the minds brain: A critique
of mental imagery, Psychological Bulletin, 80, I-24.
QuilUan M. R., 1969. The teachable language comprehender: A simulation
program and theory of language, Communications of the Association
for Computing Machinery, 12, 459-476.
Reicher G. M., 1969. Perceptual recognition as a function of meaningfulness
of stimulus material, J. of Experimental Psychology, 81, 275-280.
Список литературы
Reitman J. S., 1971. Mechanisms of forgetting in short-term memory. Cog-
nitive Psychology, 2, 185-195.
Reitman ]. S., 1974. Without surreptitious rehearsal, information in short-
term memory decays, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13,
Rips L. L, Shoben E. J., Smith E. E., 1973. Semantic distance and the veri-
fication of semantic relations, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 12,1-20.
Rohwer W. D., ]r., 1966. Verbal and visual elaboration in paired associate
learning. Project Literacy Reports, Cornell University, No. 7, 18-28.
Rosch E., 1973. On the internal structure of perceptual and semantic catego-
ries. In: T. E. Moore (ed.). Cognitive Development and Acquisition of
Language, New York, Academic Press.
Rumelhart D. E., 1971. A multicomponent theory of perception of briefly expo-
sed visual displays, J. of Mathematical Psychology, 91, 326-332.
Rumelhart D. E., Lindsay P. H., Norman D. A., 1972. A process model for
long-term memory. In: E. Tulving and W. Donaldson (eds.), Organiza-
tion of Memory, New York, Academic Press.
Rundus D., 1971. Analysis of rehearsal processes in free recall, J. of Expe-
rimental Psychology, 89,63-77.
Rundus D., Atkinson R. C., 1970. Rehearsal processes in free recall: A pro-
cedure for direct observation, J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Beha-
vior, 9,99-105.
Sac/is /. D. S., 1967. Recognition memory for syntactic and semantic aspects
of connected discourse. Perception and Psychophysics, 2, 437-442.
Salzinger K., Portnoy S., Feldman R. S., 1962. The effect of order of appro-
ximation to the statistical structure of English on the emission of
verbal responses, J. of Experimental Psychology, 64, 52-57.
Schwartz M., 1969. Instructions to use verbal mediators in paired-associate
learning, J. of Experimental Psychology, 79, I-5.
Selfridge 0. G., 1959. Pandemonium: A paradigm for learning. In: The
Mechanisation of Thought Processes, London, H. M. Stationery
Shepard R. N., 1966. Learning and recall as organization and search, J. of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 201-204.
Shepard R. N., 1967. Recognition memory for words, sentences and pictures,
J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 156-163.
Shepard R. N., 1968. Cognitive psychology: A review of the book by U. Neis-
ser, American J. of Psychology, 81, 285-289.
Shepard R. N., Chipman S., 1970. Second-order isomorphism of internal
representations: Shapes of states, Cognitive Psychology, I, I-17.
Shepard R. N., Metzler }., 1971. Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects,
Science, 171,701-703.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127