Judging by her step and way of behaving she tends to keep to herself nevertheless she is considered a big shot and she is always played up to.
Tramps are always offended and abased. You have been offending me since I came into this room. Hardly had I opened the mouth when I got it in the neck, honestly speaking, no offence intended though. If you offend him, I'll understand that you have taken a turn for the worse.
I can't keep up with fashion because I don't earn enough. This money had been earned honestly before he was accused of stealing. It looks as if you took a turn for the better: last year you earned a lot of money and spent everything on charity, didn't you?
Урок 40
1. She was fascinated by original beauty of this ancient town. He had been fascinated by her lovely voice before he saw her. He has just confessed that he is fascinated by you. He said to his parents that he was fascinated by that young lady and was going to marry her as soon as he had worked his way up.
The stories about your life made an impression on me. Do you like to make an impression on unknown people? Jump at the chance and try to make an impression on all these people. In spite of the fact she was out of shape, she made an impression on all the men in our yard, well, just, one of those things. She is good at making impression on teachers. In my opinion, she is out of her mind as the story about your out-of-pocket expenses has made an impression on her.
I like to watch children. Look out, to my mind, we are being watched. Don't worry, we haven't been watched since we left that town: out of sight, out of mind. I had been watched for 5 month before I was offered the leading role in this film. She was surprised and disappointed when she understood that she was being watched. Will you be watching me the whole of my lifetime?
Урок 41
The medicine will be prescribed for you if you see no objection to it. If you don't prescribe a medicine for me, I won't feel fit. After the medicine had been prescribed for me I felt like a new person. He promised that he would prescribe a medicine which from rumors cures most of the known diseases. If the medicine that you need is prescribed for you, I'll follow the example and go to the doctor.
Tomorrow all the problems will be solved and you will feel like a million dollars. I hope, I've solved your problem by the beginning of the school year; it has nothing to do with me though. Follow your heart, please, don't feel shy and see her home, and then all your problems will be solved for sure. Have you already solved all your problems? If you have solved all your problems before departure, I'll come to see you off.
I'm comparing your papers at the moment. We are being compared now. He told that we were being compared then. I hoped we wouldn't be compared. If we are compared, we refuse to cooperate. Two pretenders to work at our firm had been compared for long before on of them was offered a prestige post in the end. I can't compare you: you have nothing in common. Yesterday I was able to compare these two pictures.
Урок 42
I feel like drinking. This cup has never been drunk out of. As soon as you drink this invigorative coffee, you will go with a run. Beer is usually drunk while fooling about. If you pick me up, we'll have time to drink Georgian wine. She promised we would have time to drink real Georgian wine if we picked her up on the way to the airport. He has been drinking little lately. White wine is usually drunk while eating fish.
I'll try to outline the plan of our actions providing I'm listened to carefully and I am not interrupted, otherwise I can become mad/wild. When we were listening to you, we understood that the way of your speech fit the situation fully. Sometimes we are listened to indifferently and our last appearance just screwed me up.
I smile at people very often. When a person has a run of luck, he always smiles at everybody. I'm very upset: my close friend has been out of the run, has stopped smiling, on the whole, he has lost a taste of life.
Урок 43
Our house is not far from the supermarket and, it goes without saying, it's comfortable, especially if you run the house on your own, single-handed. To begin with, he tried to find out were my school was situated. Do you know where a new supermarket will be situated?
It's very unpleasant to run across the beggary in the pedestrian subway or in the Metro carriage. Unfortunately, the beggars are always run across on the way to work in the mornings. How often do you meet the beggary in passenger traffic?
This movie was restored a few years ago but the quality of the film leaves much to be desired. I can restore my English in a few weeks if you run my house in turn. He didn't manage to restore his English in such a short space of time and it's for the better, because he understood that one should not go in for music, in for sport and take course in English at the same time.
He is a wonderful person: he is handy with everything and he has dry humor, so he is often looked at with surprise. I was looked at the very moment when I was going to raise a hand and ask a question.
Why do you never look at me? Don't wonder if you are looked at with distrust. To my mind, it's normally to seek fortune but for some reason I'm looked down on. 5. It's the second time we've rebuilt our school. It's the second time the school has been rebuilt. This house had been rebuilt before we moved here. This church has been rebuilt so many times that I can't imagine how it looked in the beginning. Will this house have been rebuilt by the anniversary of our town? He wondered if the school building would have been rebuilt by the anniversary of our town.
Урок 44
I'm an early riser and I usually run through the newspapers at breakfast-time. He was running through the newspapers when he was asked to answer a phone call. There is nothing like rest at sea where you can do nothing from morning till evening, laze in the sun and hardly ever run through the newspapers. Have you run through morning newspapers yet? He promised he would have run through the newspapers before he went to work. I was amazed when I run through the newspapers and found out that my feature simply hadn't been printed.
He is deeply attached to his kids so he dedicates all his books just to them. Have any poems ever been dedicated to you? She confessed it was the first time that such lovely poems had been dedicated to her. She was amazed when she learnt that these famous lines were dedicated to her great grandmother. For a change, dedicate these poems to your first teacher.
We are always glad to see a new person at our place, no matter what kind of hobby a person has. Are you keen on fishing? He was keen on jogging in youth. You need change of scene and if you are keen on underwater swimming, I advise you to apply to a tourist agency.
I often show tricks. I'm seldom shown on TV. Have you been shown their usual trick yet? Have you shown your usual trick to this refined audience yet? He wondered if I had already shown my famous trick. Unfortunately, I had been shown on TV before I came home from work. Will you have been shown on TV before we leave for work? He didn't expect he would be shown on TV the next day. This film has been shown on TV for a few months. When were you shown on TV? This movie will be shown on TV tomorrow at 5.
Our school is much spoken about. Our school hasn't been spoken about since an arguable article about it was printed in the newspaper. Our school will be spoken about till it exists. What is being spoken about your school at the moment? What was being spoken about our school when you turned on the radio? What is usually spoken about our school? Our school will be spoken about when you enter the hall. It's the first time our school has been spoken about on TV. Our school will have been spoken about before the news begins.
Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении.
Предложение — это сочетание слов, выражающее законченную мысль. Отношения между словами в разных языках выражаются по-разному.
В русском языке связь слов в предложении выражается в основном окончаниями слов, поэтому изменение порядка слов в предложении не изменяет его смысла.
Мальчик кормит собаку. Собаку кормит мальчик. Кормит мальчик собаку.
В английском языке отношения между членами предложения выражаются главным образом при помощи строго определенного порядка слов. Поэтому перестановка слов в предложении в английском языке может привести не только к изменению смысла предложения, но и к полной бессмыслице. Если в предложении The boy is feeding the dog (мальчик кормит собаку) поменять местами слова the dog и the boy, то смысл предложения изменится, и уже не мальчик будет кормить собаку, а собака мальчика — The dog is feeding the boy.
Из примера видно, что в английском языке именно порядок слов указывает на то, как связаны между собой слова в предложении.
Для английского предложения характерен следующий порядок слов:
Подлежащее (кто действует?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Tramps are always offended and abased. You have been offending me since I came into this room. Hardly had I opened the mouth when I got it in the neck, honestly speaking, no offence intended though. If you offend him, I'll understand that you have taken a turn for the worse.
I can't keep up with fashion because I don't earn enough. This money had been earned honestly before he was accused of stealing. It looks as if you took a turn for the better: last year you earned a lot of money and spent everything on charity, didn't you?
Урок 40
1. She was fascinated by original beauty of this ancient town. He had been fascinated by her lovely voice before he saw her. He has just confessed that he is fascinated by you. He said to his parents that he was fascinated by that young lady and was going to marry her as soon as he had worked his way up.
The stories about your life made an impression on me. Do you like to make an impression on unknown people? Jump at the chance and try to make an impression on all these people. In spite of the fact she was out of shape, she made an impression on all the men in our yard, well, just, one of those things. She is good at making impression on teachers. In my opinion, she is out of her mind as the story about your out-of-pocket expenses has made an impression on her.
I like to watch children. Look out, to my mind, we are being watched. Don't worry, we haven't been watched since we left that town: out of sight, out of mind. I had been watched for 5 month before I was offered the leading role in this film. She was surprised and disappointed when she understood that she was being watched. Will you be watching me the whole of my lifetime?
Урок 41
The medicine will be prescribed for you if you see no objection to it. If you don't prescribe a medicine for me, I won't feel fit. After the medicine had been prescribed for me I felt like a new person. He promised that he would prescribe a medicine which from rumors cures most of the known diseases. If the medicine that you need is prescribed for you, I'll follow the example and go to the doctor.
Tomorrow all the problems will be solved and you will feel like a million dollars. I hope, I've solved your problem by the beginning of the school year; it has nothing to do with me though. Follow your heart, please, don't feel shy and see her home, and then all your problems will be solved for sure. Have you already solved all your problems? If you have solved all your problems before departure, I'll come to see you off.
I'm comparing your papers at the moment. We are being compared now. He told that we were being compared then. I hoped we wouldn't be compared. If we are compared, we refuse to cooperate. Two pretenders to work at our firm had been compared for long before on of them was offered a prestige post in the end. I can't compare you: you have nothing in common. Yesterday I was able to compare these two pictures.
Урок 42
I feel like drinking. This cup has never been drunk out of. As soon as you drink this invigorative coffee, you will go with a run. Beer is usually drunk while fooling about. If you pick me up, we'll have time to drink Georgian wine. She promised we would have time to drink real Georgian wine if we picked her up on the way to the airport. He has been drinking little lately. White wine is usually drunk while eating fish.
I'll try to outline the plan of our actions providing I'm listened to carefully and I am not interrupted, otherwise I can become mad/wild. When we were listening to you, we understood that the way of your speech fit the situation fully. Sometimes we are listened to indifferently and our last appearance just screwed me up.
I smile at people very often. When a person has a run of luck, he always smiles at everybody. I'm very upset: my close friend has been out of the run, has stopped smiling, on the whole, he has lost a taste of life.
Урок 43
Our house is not far from the supermarket and, it goes without saying, it's comfortable, especially if you run the house on your own, single-handed. To begin with, he tried to find out were my school was situated. Do you know where a new supermarket will be situated?
It's very unpleasant to run across the beggary in the pedestrian subway or in the Metro carriage. Unfortunately, the beggars are always run across on the way to work in the mornings. How often do you meet the beggary in passenger traffic?
This movie was restored a few years ago but the quality of the film leaves much to be desired. I can restore my English in a few weeks if you run my house in turn. He didn't manage to restore his English in such a short space of time and it's for the better, because he understood that one should not go in for music, in for sport and take course in English at the same time.
He is a wonderful person: he is handy with everything and he has dry humor, so he is often looked at with surprise. I was looked at the very moment when I was going to raise a hand and ask a question.
Why do you never look at me? Don't wonder if you are looked at with distrust. To my mind, it's normally to seek fortune but for some reason I'm looked down on. 5. It's the second time we've rebuilt our school. It's the second time the school has been rebuilt. This house had been rebuilt before we moved here. This church has been rebuilt so many times that I can't imagine how it looked in the beginning. Will this house have been rebuilt by the anniversary of our town? He wondered if the school building would have been rebuilt by the anniversary of our town.
Урок 44
I'm an early riser and I usually run through the newspapers at breakfast-time. He was running through the newspapers when he was asked to answer a phone call. There is nothing like rest at sea where you can do nothing from morning till evening, laze in the sun and hardly ever run through the newspapers. Have you run through morning newspapers yet? He promised he would have run through the newspapers before he went to work. I was amazed when I run through the newspapers and found out that my feature simply hadn't been printed.
He is deeply attached to his kids so he dedicates all his books just to them. Have any poems ever been dedicated to you? She confessed it was the first time that such lovely poems had been dedicated to her. She was amazed when she learnt that these famous lines were dedicated to her great grandmother. For a change, dedicate these poems to your first teacher.
We are always glad to see a new person at our place, no matter what kind of hobby a person has. Are you keen on fishing? He was keen on jogging in youth. You need change of scene and if you are keen on underwater swimming, I advise you to apply to a tourist agency.
I often show tricks. I'm seldom shown on TV. Have you been shown their usual trick yet? Have you shown your usual trick to this refined audience yet? He wondered if I had already shown my famous trick. Unfortunately, I had been shown on TV before I came home from work. Will you have been shown on TV before we leave for work? He didn't expect he would be shown on TV the next day. This film has been shown on TV for a few months. When were you shown on TV? This movie will be shown on TV tomorrow at 5.
Our school is much spoken about. Our school hasn't been spoken about since an arguable article about it was printed in the newspaper. Our school will be spoken about till it exists. What is being spoken about your school at the moment? What was being spoken about our school when you turned on the radio? What is usually spoken about our school? Our school will be spoken about when you enter the hall. It's the first time our school has been spoken about on TV. Our school will have been spoken about before the news begins.
Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении.
Предложение — это сочетание слов, выражающее законченную мысль. Отношения между словами в разных языках выражаются по-разному.
В русском языке связь слов в предложении выражается в основном окончаниями слов, поэтому изменение порядка слов в предложении не изменяет его смысла.
Мальчик кормит собаку. Собаку кормит мальчик. Кормит мальчик собаку.
В английском языке отношения между членами предложения выражаются главным образом при помощи строго определенного порядка слов. Поэтому перестановка слов в предложении в английском языке может привести не только к изменению смысла предложения, но и к полной бессмыслице. Если в предложении The boy is feeding the dog (мальчик кормит собаку) поменять местами слова the dog и the boy, то смысл предложения изменится, и уже не мальчик будет кормить собаку, а собака мальчика — The dog is feeding the boy.
Из примера видно, что в английском языке именно порядок слов указывает на то, как связаны между собой слова в предложении.
Для английского предложения характерен следующий порядок слов:
Подлежащее (кто действует?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64