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Schuyler, Eugene, Turkistan. Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bokhara and Kuldja. 2 vols. 1876.
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Shakespear, Sir Richmond, 'A Personal Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Orenburg, on the Caspian, in 1840', Blackwood's Magazine. June 1842.
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Sidebottom, J. K., The Overland Mail. A Postal Historical Study of the Mail Route to India. 1948.
Simond, C., L 'Afghanistan. Les Russes aux portes de L'Inde. Paris, 1855.
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Skrine, C. P., and Nightingale, P., Macartney at Kashgar. New Light on British, Chinese and Russian Activities in Sinki-ang, 1890—1918. 1973.
Skrine, F. H., and Ross, E. D., The Heart of Asia. A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates. 1899.
Spiers, E. M., Radical General. Sir George de Lacy Evans, 1787—1870. Manchester, 1983.
'Stepniak', The Russian Storm-Cloud. Russia in Her Relations to Neighbouring Countries. 1886.
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Swinson, A., The North-West Frontier, 1939—1947. 1967.
Sykes, Sir P. M., A History of Afghanistan. 1 vols. 1940.
Terentiev, M. A., Russia and England in Central Asia. (From the Russian.) Calcutta, 1876.
Thomson, H. C, The Chitral Campaign. 1895.
Thorburn, S. S., Asiatic Neighbours. Edinburgh, 1894. Tikhvinsky, S. L. (ed.), Chapters from the History of Russo-Chinese Relations, 17th to 19th centuries. (From the Russian.) Moscow, 1985.
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Vambery, Arminius, Travels in Central Asia. 2 vols. 1864. Sketches of Central Asia. 1868.
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Arminius Vambery, His Life and Struggles. 2 vols. 1883. The Coming Struggle for India. 1885. 'Vladimir', Russia on the Pacific, and the Siberian Railway. 1899.
Warburton, Sir Robert (anon.), The Russian Warning. Privately printed. Peshawar, 1892.
Waters, Brig.-Gen. W., 'Secret and Confidential '. The Experiences of a Military Attache. 1926.
Weil, M., L'Expedition de Khiva. Paris, 1874. Westmacott, Capt. G.E., Indian Commerce and Russian Intrigue. 1838.
Wheeler, Col. Geoffrey (trans.), 'British Policy in Central Asia in the Early Nineteenth Century. The Mission of Richmond Shakespear'. Translation and review by G. Wheeler of article by N. I. Khalfin on 'British Expansion in Central Asia' in Istoriya SSSR. Central Asian Review. Vol. VI, No. 4.1958.
Whitteridge, Sir Gordon, Charles Masson of Afghanistan. War-minster, 1986.
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Wisely, G. A., Table of Distances in Russia, Central Asia and India. 1885.
Wood, Maj. H., The Shores of Lake Aral. 1876.
Wood, Lt.J., A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. 1841.
Worms, Baron H. de., England's Policy in the East. 1877.
Wright, Sir Denis, The English Amongst the Persians. During the Qajar Period, 1787—1921. 1977.
Yapp, Malcolm, Strategies of British India. Britain, Iran and Afghanistan. Oxford, 1980.
Yate, Lt. A. C, England and Russia Face to Face in Asia. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. Edinburgh, 1887.
Yate, Maj. С. Е., Northern Afghanistan. Edinburgh, 1888.
Younghusband, Col. Sir Francis, Confidential Report of a Mission to the Northern Frontier of Kashmir in 1889. Calcutta, 1890.
The Heart of a Continent. 1896. India and Tibet. 1910. Wonders of the Himalaya. 1924. The Light of Experience. 1927.
Younghusband, G.J. and F.E., The Relief of Chitral. 1895.
Zimmerman, Lt. C, Khiva. Memoir on the Countries about the Caspian and Aral Seas. (From the German.) 1840.
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