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(14) Cecil, ' Cambridge Comintern', p. 193.(15) Michael Straight, After Long Silence (London: Collins, 1983), p. 251.(16) Cecil, ' Cambridge Comintern', p. 195.(17) Page, Leitch and Knightley, Philby, p. 291.(18) Philby, My Silent War, p. 137.(19) 29 September 1955 , FBI Archives, Washington DC .(20) Letter from Fishman to Sunday Times, unpublished, 13 February 1977 .(21) FBI Archives, Washington DC .(22) Rosamond Lehman in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(23) Lord Egremont in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(24) ibid.(25) FBI Archives, Washington DC .(26) Geoffrey McDermott, former Foreign Office adviser to the head of SIS, in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(27) Respectively: 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 4, BBC Radio 4, 3 February 1982 ; and Wilbur Eveland, Guardian, 29 August 1980 .(28) Unsigned article. New Statesman, 7 July 1978 .(29) McDermott in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(30) Lord Egremont in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(31) Amory in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(32) Verrier, Looking Glass, p. 158.(33) McDermott in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(34) A. J. Mcllroy 'Tried to Recruit Me to Be a Spy', Daily Telegraph, 9 December 1980 .(35) The woman in interview with author, 4 December 1982 .(36) Honore Catudal, Kennedy and the Berlin Wall Crisis (Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 1980), p. 246.(37) Edward J. Epstein, 'The Spy War', New York Times Magazine, 28 September 1980 .(38) Leo Abse, 'How to Recognise Tomorrow's Spy', The Times, 26 October 1981 .(39) Respectively: John Vassall, Vassall: the Autobiography of a Spy (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1975), p. 158; and Christopher Dobson and Ronald Payne, The Dictionary of Espionage (London: Harrap, 1984), p. 16.(40) Respectively: Epstein, cit. at n. 37; and Sean Bourke, The Springing of George Blake (London: Cassell. 1970), p. 242.(41) Philby in interview with Sayle, 17 December 1967.(42) Observer, 30 October 1966.(43) Atticus, Sunday Times, 27 January 1982.(44) 'Spy Blake's Jail-break Helper Dies', Daily Mail, 27 January 1982.(45) Amory in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.(46) Miles Copeland, Real Spy World (London: Sphere, 1978), p. 94. Глава 13 (1) Palph W. McGehee, Deadly Deceits (New York: Sheridan Square, 1983), p. 119.(2) C. Sweeney, 'The Price of Freedom', Sunday Times Magazine, 1 December 1974.(3) 'Has the KGB Fooled the West?', Sunday Times, 4 March 1984.(4) David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Ballantine, 1981), p. 109.(5) Edward J. Epstein, 'When the CIA Was almost Wrecked', Parade Magazine, 14 October 1984.(6) see Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (London: The Bodley Head, 1984).(7) Rositzke in interview with Cherry Hughes for author, 1984.(8) Stephen de Mowbray, former SIS officer in unpublished letter to Sunday Times; and Epstein, 'When the CIA Was almost Wrecked'.(9) Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, pp. 148 – 9.(10) ibid., p. 192.(11) Rositzke in interview with Cherry Hughes, 1984.(12) De Mowbray in unpublished letter cit at n. 8 above.(13) Epstein, 'When the CIA Was almost Wrecked'.(14) R. W. Johnson, 'Making Things Happen', p. 14.(15) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(16) Epstein, 'When the CIA Was almost Wrecked'.(17) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(18) Joseph C. Goulden, Korea : the Untold Story (New York: Times Books, 1982), p. 245.(19) Angleton in undated statement first issued on publication of Martin's Wilderness of Mirrors.(20) Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, pp. 155 – 77.(21) Henry J. Hurt, 'Is this American a Soviet Spy?', Reader's Digest, October 1981.(22) ibid.(23) Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, p. 210.(24) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 5, BBC Radio 4, 10 February 1982 .(25) Rositzke in interview with Cherry Hughes, 1984.(26) Fitzroy Maclean, Take Nine Spies (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978), pp. 305 – 6.(27) ibid., p. 306.(28) Chapman Pincher, ' U. S. Intelligence Agents Find Shot Russian's Story Hidden in Drawer', Daily Express, 29 April 1965 .(29) Catudal , Berlin Wall, pp. 242 – 3.(30) John le Carre, 'Wardrobe of Disguises', Sunday Times, 10 September 1967 .(31) Verrier, Looking Glass, p. 197. See also Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Historical Series), Vol. XII, testimony of Hugh L. Dryden of NSA, 1 June 1960 .(32) Hillsman, 'On Intelligence', p. 142.(33) Corson, Armies of Ignorance, pp. 30 – 1.(34) ibid., pp. 26 – 9.(35) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(36) Corson, Armies of Ignorance, p. 30.(37) Verrier, Looking Glass, p. 206.(38) Lawrence Freedman , U. S. Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat (London: Macmillan, 1979), p. 71.(39) Verrier, Looking Glass, pp. 210 – 11.(40) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, September 1979.(41) Verrier, Looking Glass, pp. 217 – 18.(42) ibid., p. 229.(43) Robert Kennedy, 13 Days: the Cuban Missile Crisis (London: Macmillan, 1968), p. 87.(44) Sir Dick White, then head of SIS, quoted in Verrier, Looking Glass, p. 193.(45) Robin Stafford, 'False, False, that Book about My Husband', Daily Express. 23 November 1965 .(46) Edward Crankshaw, 'The Dispute about Penkovsky', Observer, 21 November 1965.(47) Le Carre, 'Wardrobe of Disguises', cit. at n. 30.(48) The diplomat in correspondence with the author. The diplomat, for professional and personal reasons, wishes to remain anonymous. But he has agreed that I may forward to him serious inquiries sent care of me.(49) 'Russians Helped CIA during Cuba Crisis', The Times, 15 April 1971.(50) Herbert Scoville, 'Is Espionage Necessary for Our Security?', Foreign Affairs, vol. 54, no. 3 (April 1976), p. 488.(51) Letter from Rusbridger to author, 16 July 1985.(52) Teresa Stem, 'The Tanganyika – Zanzibar Union: a Look at U. S. Non-Interference', unpublished paper, in present author's possession.(53) Babu in interview with author, 4 September 1985.(54) Hillsman, 'On Intelligence', pp. 133 – 4.(55) Frank Snepp, 'The Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam', Part 1 in Harrison Salisbury (ed.), Vietnam Reconsidered (New York: Harper & Row, 1984), p. 57.(56) Richard K. Betts, 'Analysis, War, and Decision: Why Intelligence Failures are Inevitable', World Politics, vol. 31 (October 1978), p. 68.(57) Chester L. Cooper, 'The CIA and Decision Making', Foreign Affairs, vol. 50 (January 1972), pp. 229 – 30.(58) ibid.(59) ibid., p. 232.(60) Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency', p. 60.(61) Kirkpatrick in interview with author, 1967.(62) Henry Brand on. The Retreat of American Power (New York: Doubleday, 1973) p. 103.(63) Respectively: Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency' p. 56; and Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, September 1979.(64) Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency', p. 56.(65) John Stockwell, 'The Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam', Part 3 in Salisbury, Vietnam Reconsidered, p. 64.(66) McGehee, Deadly Deceits, p. 156.(67) Ralph W. McGehee, 'The Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam', Part 2 in Salisbury, Vietnam Reconsidered, p. 63.(68) David H. Hunter, 'The Evolution of Literature on United States Intelligence', Armed Forces and Society, vol. 5, no. 1 (November 1978), p. 32(69) ibid., p. 32.(70) John M. Crewdson, 'ClA's Propaganda Efforts', The Times of India (Bombay), 7 January 1978.(71) Angus Mackenzie, 'Sabotaging the Dissident Press', Columbia Journalist Review March/April 1981, pp. 57 – 63.(72) Church Committee, Final Report. Vol. 1 (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1976), p. 14.(73) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(74) Frank Snepp, Decent Interval (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin, 1980), back cover.(75) Richard Eder, 'Why Decision in Snepp Case Disturbs Publishers', New York Times 11 March 1980.(76) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(77) ibid. Глава 14 (1) 'Shaping Tomorrow's CIA', Time Magazine. 6 February 1978, p. 24.(2) Kenneth Harris, 'Did the CIA Fail America?', Observer, 9 December 1979.(3) 'Shaping Tomorrow's CIA', p. 29.(4) ibid., p. 31.(5) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(6) Philip Agee, Playboy, August 1975, pp. 60 – 2.(7) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.(8) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 5, BBC Radio 4, 10 February 1982.(9) Nigel West, 'The Hollis Affair and that Spy Called Elli', The Times, 23 October 1981.(10) ibid.(11) Obituary ofG. R. Mitchell, in The Times. 3 January 1985.(12) see 'The Hollis Affair', Sunday Times, 29 March 1981.(13) Former head of SIS in interview with author, 3 December 1981.(14) Phillip Knightley, 'Cock-up or Conspiracy?', Sunday Times. 11 November 1984.(15) Nigel West, A Matter of Trust. M15 1945 – 72 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1982), p. 178.(16) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.(17) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 5, BBC Radio 4, 10 February 1982.(18) ibid.; and 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.(19) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.(20) S. Freeman, B. Penrose and C. Simpson, 'Military Coup Was Aimed at Wilson' Sunday Times. 29 March 1981.(21) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.(22) Maurice Crump, letter to The Times, 19 April 1984.(23) Rees-Mogg in interview with author, March 1979.(24) West, M15. British Security Service Operations 1909 – 1945: A Matter of Trust. M15 1945 – 72; M16. British Secret Intelligence Service Operations 1909 – 45; and The Branch – a History of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch, 1883 – 1983 (London-Seeker & Warburg, 1983).(25) The Deputy Treasury Solicitor, Sunday Times, 17 October 1984.(26) Allason in interview with author, 1981.(27) Oldfield in interview with author, 13 July 1979.(28) lan Black, 'Second Wartime Spying Book Stopped', Guardian. 8 December 1983.(29) ibid.(30) Peter Calvocoressi, 'Action that Day', Sunday Times, 18 October 1981.(31) 'Sons of Stalin's Englishmen?', The Times, 2 August 1984.(32) Allason in interview with author, 1984.(33) Mitchell's obituary in The Times, 3 January 1985.
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